Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

alahai anak2 ku...

last time whn i'm not a momy yet pn i dh ader ths kind of feeling...mmg sgt sng tersentuh dgn things yg sangkut paut dgn babies n lg la anak2 sendiri kn...hurm...maybe ini ape yg momy rs la n xtau la ngn org lain cmne kn..pernah x rs jealous ble tgk ank2 kt mesra ngn org lain?bukan jealous yg teruk la..i mean cm trase jer tgk ank2 kt cm rapat ngn org lain kan...hehe..n sumtimes there r people around who seems cm sajer je nk rapat ngan anak kt kan..haha n momy cm nk sound jer..hey jg la ur own kids..:P bukan nyer aper..sumtime dorg ni bukan dok nk sebok jd close ngn our kids jer..siap nk compare how the way we take care of the kids.. "eyh..ape hal plk kn??" ur time dh past la..let me take care of my kids la plk..btl atau salah bukan dorg pn yg ntahla..sumtimes org ni if ditegur ssh..nnt dh mrajuk2 plk je la yg momy bebel kn ni ek... 2la kan..cmne pn people around us cm nk close ngn our kids, at d end of d day our kids still cr kt gak..sumtimes momy takut gak if my twins wont get close 2me coz thy're staying in d Day Care kn..but Alhamdulillah..both Rayyan n Rifqi sgt close n manja wth momy n abi..kdg2 whn they r playing wth those people around...ble nmpak momy n abi jer trus nk dkt sweet jer moment to..hehe...
2la kan..kasih ibu n anak..memang xblh dipisahkan...

momy n my ikky..:-*

momy n my aiyen..:-*

p/s : my aiyen n ikky..
momy cayang both you!!!

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