Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

safari birthday party...

alhamdulillah..pejam celik pejam celik ank2 momy dh nk masuk 1year...yeay!!!how hepy i sm..hehe biasela bab2 ni momy2 la yg akan telebih excited actually dh lame momy plan tp blm penah wt entry jer lg..n we actually dh ader our theme..momy choose theme yg common la so sng sket nk cr brg2 n d goodies kn..n d lucky theme is Safari...;)
momy dh start la beli brg2 sket2..hehe coz xnk la nnt trase nk kluarkn duit selepuk kn...n i really enjoy doing this for my twinnies..lg fun if momy dpt wt sndr all d favors kn..insyaAllah..for this time momy tgh work on d badge for their birthday..1st momy nk siapkn utk our fmly members 1st n if d time lebey i'll try to do it 4all d kids yg dtg 4 their 1st Safari Birthday Party...n thanks to mummy Aidan, Sara yg dh tlg momy wth d ideas for d party..
so this entry actually momy nk story psl their birthday td momy pn membzkn diri browsing d internet..nk check-out d designs for their cake byk la yg chumel2 coz de la all d cute little animals on d cake here r some pict of d cakes yg mommy might choose for d twinnies nyer safari birthday..;)


simple tp still tomey...

look at d giraffe..sgt kiutttt...

this is cool safari.. ;)

cute lill' monkey...;)

one of momy's favourite...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

my ikky is admitted...

this is a sad entry bout my ikky..huhu..sedey nyer momy ble ingt kena lalui semua ni..last week we went back to peejay..b4 blk ke peejay there's so many plans in my mind..nk ke sana sini wth hubby n d two tecik...just name all d shopping mall n tmpat best sume ktorg nk g ble blk nnt..
nk dimulakan cerita..rayyan start demam last sunday..n trus jangkit ke rifqi..thn both thm cm dh nk recover so mommy pn decide to blk gak peejay on tuesday..dlm hati ingtkn maybe d twins nk perubahan tempat n angin kot...huhu..tht nite rayyan dh mula active but rifqi still not doing good..temp agaj high wth cough n flue..but still la nk main mommy kt ok kot biasela..bdk nk beralih bulan kn..nk besyar ank2 momy nie..positive is always in my mind..lgpn momy cm confident as b4 we gerak frm jaybee we did see d doc n she say evrytin ok jer just if x kebah demam by friday thn kena dtg n amik darah..tht time ignore jer..coz to boys sure strong kn...thn on wednsday both r momy feels hepy dh la n decide d next day nk p jln2 kt ikano..
on thursday as momy plan we all nk g jln2 la ke ikea,ikano n curve d tiga dlm hati cm xsedap coz today rifqi cm so senyap..batuk still ader so momy ckp dkt abi lets bring thm to Dr.Khoo Clinic my paeds dr kecik we went there..abi dh siap bwk d twins nyer brg2 coz nk g jln kn...
at d clinic...jmpe n tnjuk jer rifqi dr.Khoo dh wt muka berkerut..aik knape ni?thn doc suh angkat baju rifqi..thn he geleng2 kpala..trus tanya i.."which hospital u want to refer him to?"...i was like "what??..wait doc..explain 2me.." dr.Khoo thn explain n said tht he suspected tht rifqi dh kena broncitis..thn he wrote d letter n ask us straight away to d hospital...
start at tht point momy dh xstop nanges dh...mcm2 ader dlm kpala ni..n dlm hati sntiasa ckp..ya Allah selamatkanlah anakku ya Allah...kami trus ke emegency room di U.M.M.C..momy jer masuk dl..abi kena p park d car wth rayyan...masuk jer tnjuk surat n nurse trus panggil doc..n kami masuk dlm d E.R..trus la rifqi dipasang dgn all kinds of wyres...sayu jer hati momy tgk rifqi cm2..rifqi pn nanges jer..msti xslesa..after thy've done d x-ray n rifqi still crying..doc bg momy pegang rifqi to cmfort him..
doc thn explain to momy.. "ur baby need to be admitted..we suspect tht he's infected by virus in his lung.." sedeynyer momy dgr..xsangka blh jd nk marah diri pn ader..momy xjg dorg dgn cukup baik kot..:(( dgn hati yg sayu we all dihntar ke wad kanak2 U.M.M.C.. smpai di wad another doc took over n amik darah..kesian tgk rifqi..dh td ssh nk jmpe urat...naik biru dh tgn ank momy ni..:((
dh settle semua...rifqi pn dh penat..doc masukkn 2dose antibiotic...n she explained tht ubt for d virus is antibiotic...n kena complete d antibiotic for 5days..i ckp buatla ape pn doc yg pntg my baby sihat..mengalir lg air mata momy...:((
after discussed wth abi..thn we decide momy dok hosp dgn rifqi n abi blk umah wan..takut nnt rayyan plak blh jangkit...dkt nk time buka bi dtg n berbuka dgn momy..rayyan dok kt umah wan..xpe ramai yg ader blh jg momy xrisau sgt..summore my aiyen is a survivor..thn mlm abi pn blk n momy temankn ikky dkt wad...ssh nk lena..risau n kesian tgk rifqi...
alhamdulillah...after d 2nd day ptg tu ikky dh start active blk..sng hati momy...doc mmg sah kn yg ikky dh kena "Pneumonia" coz ade few white dots dlm both paru2 rifqi...he said not to worry..complete d antibiotics n at d same time they start giving d "nabulizer" evry 6hours...insyaAllah evrytin will be ok...byk2 doa...selamatkn Rifqi ya Allah..amin...
after 6 days..ikky dh blh kluar frm hospital...dh makin active n asyik berguling jer..sronok nk main momy plk dh demam..huhu..mungkin penat dok hosp kot..xpe la..itula pengorbanan momy utk anak2 2mlm last abi amik alih jg dkt hospital cz momy dh xlarat sgt n takut blh jangkit pd rifqi yg dh nk sihat tu here r some pict time ikky dkt hospital...sedey ble ingt2 semula tp i'm hepy coz my ikky is ok now..alhamdulillah...
ikky day one..:((
still xlarat..cian ikky momy...:((

"nabulizer" time..mnjeritla tecik momy ni...

active dh..alhamdulillah...

nk dukung...

get well soon...

abi yg poyo..:P

book n toys nk teman ikky...:))

oxygen...evry 4hours...

4th day...n pas2 no more wyres...yeay!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

rasional ke tidak??

sumtimes as momy ni kt slalu berdepan dgn bnda2 yg diluar kemmpuan kt...lg2 la mcm momy yg 1st time ni..kdg2 org slalu bertanya.."senang xnk jaga twins...?" n normally momy just jwb sng ke ssh dh anak keadaan yg sbnr hanya kt je la yg tau kn..but as 4 momy, i admit tht mmg penat n sumtimes i even mengeluh..slalu gak momy kena tegur ngn abi..jgn mengeluh depan kdg2 kt manusia kn..xlepas dr buat kesalahan...
like now d twins dh hampir ke 9months..n both thm ni dh pndai mcm2 dh..sronok tgk dorg mmbesar..but kdg2 ader gak peel dorg ni yg xthn kt nk la persoalannya..slh ke if kt tegur ank?or start dr umur brape yg br kt blh start menegur n mengajar ank kt ni yer?haish...mengeluh lg momy..hehehe...bukan aper..just risau..klo x dimulakn skrg wht if dorg dh mula naik lemak n dh xnk dgr ape yg kt ckp..n momy xnk doa mcm 2 pn..hanya terfikir rasional atau tidak menegur budak yg br 8bln??
org pn slalu cm ckp2 bdk dr bdk la kt kena ajar ye x?n kdg2 telintas gak..if kt tegur skrg pn adakah die akan faham?satu soalan yg memangla kt xdpt nk jwb satu jer..momy tatap dgn prinsip momy yg for me, i rs bdk2 mmg perlu diajar dr awal..biarpn dorg xfaham tp kalau dh slalu disebut insyaAllah n xmustahil dorg xakan ikut kn?jd as momy ni n yg mcm mn kt tau..ape yg kluar dr mulut seorang ibu tu kn satu doa..jd sentiasalah kt sebut yg baik2 supaya menjadi doa utk anak2 kt menjadi ank2 yg mendengar kata,berjaya di masa depannya dan insyaAllah sebagai anak2 yg Solleh yg dpt mendoakan kt kelak..amin...
p/s:to my dearie twinnies Rayyan n Rifqi...insyaAllah momy akan cube jd d best momy n akan cube berikan aper yg termampu...n ank2 momy pn kena dgr ckap momy n abi yer...;)

Monday, August 9, 2010

hepy 8months my dear twinnies!!!

alhamdulillah my twinnies dh pn time jer ank2 momy dh besar mcm br semlm momy n abi got d good news tht i'm carrying twins...2day Rayyan n Rifqi dh 8bln...dh pndai mcm2 ank2 momy ni..can't wait for ur 1st birthday my twinnies Rayyan n Rifqi..mommy love both u very much...very2 much!!!

hepy 8months sayang...

ble si kembar dh sangat aktif...

erm...seronok mmg la sgt sronok ble main ngn anak2 kn tp letih!!!adoyai..hehehe...nk2 lg main ngn my twinnies ni kn..d twins now dh sgt active..dh nk panjat2 dh..huh..xtahan ble dorg dh mula nk panjat2 semua yg blh di panjat..momy seram jer tgk ble dorg berdiri..abi slalu ckp biarkn..let thm learn..betul let thm learn tp klo dh dh org ckp dr c2 la dorg blh blaja n jd lg momy still akan pegang..hehe..

as usual..abang rayyan yg jd leader in wht ever 1st dorg ni...hehe..nw ank2 momy dh pndai nk berdiri..bukan main lg..pantang jer jmpe kerusi,meja or any tebing la asalkn blh jd tapak nk pnjat jd jer ank momy ni berdiri..hehe..rayyan xsuka dok dlm walker..he feels xbebas ini ticik will paut dkt walker whn rifqi is inside..chumel mmg la chumel tgk gelagat dorg ni but kalo dh jatuh abi slalu kt xpe..if jatuh nnt dorg akan belajar n next time xkan wt benda yg same lg..iyer kn jer la..

tp momy still dok kt blakang dorg jaga so tht xterhempas kpala..

ok aiyen n ikky, momy tau ank2 momy nk blaja mcm2 lg..n momy suka sgt..xsabar nk tunggu both blh bejalan plk..mst sgt sronok nnt kt blh main kejar2..hehe siape yg kejar siape ek?? here r their latest pict...;))

rayyan try to snatch sumtin from rifqi..hehe notty ek...


dh pndai respond ble mommy panggil...

jom main...

urm...rayyan dh start nk panjat..

rifqi buli rayyan plk...:P

yer mommy??

Saturday, August 7, 2010

pagi2 cr fish...

evry weekend mmg dh book for family usually our outing start dlm tghr cm2..but this time awal2 pagi lg we dh kluar jln2...hurm..nowadays my twinnies ni mmg suka bgn la dh biasa kn from monday to friday g weekend pn d twins will wake up early..momy suh smbung tdo pn momy n abi decided to bring thm to UTM Lake yg ade dlm UTM, momy xsempat nk capture d dok bz wth Rayyan n Rifqi same2 bg fish d twins nyer excited xlame..kejap jer lps tu they start bosan dh..hehe tmbah plk cm pns sket tht morning..hurm xpela kita excercise sket ek..;)
masuk jer kreta lepas tu..both thm dh mula merengek..nk susu..huhu...dpt jer susu dua2 pn mnum cm haus sgt..hehe cian Rayyan n Rifqi yer...pas2 trus tdo ank2 momy ni...after tgk both them sleep momy n abi trus la decide to go b1st..hurm n we p mcD..lame dh xmkn d pancake..fluffy cm geram gak sesekali kluar pg2 d twins jln2 we all pn blh la berpeluh..dok kt umah pn hurm...bukan ape kn..akekeke..:P

tortoise yg tbe2 muncul...;)

here it come..nk rebut roti same..:P

ni dh start merengek...abi pn poyo jer muka..

owh..Rayyan mmg dh xleh tahan...nk blk....

momy n ikky...ikky dh sleep dh...

abi n dh sleep...

our coffee...ngeh2..:D

ni yg sedap...pancake wth butter n honey...