Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, January 21, 2011

twinnies SAFARI party..

hepy Birthday twinnies...
hehehe..momy tau...dh lmbt sgt entry still kena update gak kn..erm neway this was done on 1st Jan hari tu..momy n d twinnies spend a week in PJ@ wan's place..we did loads of things..we went jalan2 la almost evryday..till two days to d party day thn only start kelam kabut wth all d prep..hehe but it was really fun..sgt best but lg best if abi is around at all time but wht to do abi xdpt cuti n have to work just ader during d party n lepas tu..erm xpela kn as long as abi xlupe nk celebrate skali..
so d party was awsome!!even pd awalnye cm xbest cz Alhamdulillah..hujan rahmat rupenye..n lepas tu ramai org yg dtg n we had so much fun partying!!smpai d twin dh xlarat..cian ank2 momy ni..momy yg bz wth d guests smpai xprasan yg dorg dh nk tdo..penat main ye yenyen n kiki..smpai petang pn ade org dtg lg..erm neway momy just wanna thanx all who came to d party n made it a blast for Rayyan n Rifqi...thanx for all d prezzy too..we really appreciate it..can't wait for next wht's d theme for next year??tunggu...;)

the Safari B'day cake.. ;)
(thanx 2 cupcakes by datin mary zain)

d Safari cuppies...
thanx to Jaja - the baking fairies..;)

nk tiup lilin...

aiyak!!!nape muka momy cm2?? ekekekeke...

pinata session...

kuat2 lg uncle!!

ha...start la dorg rebut...;)

xcukup tgn kakak anis n kakak elis...

kak anis menang musical chair!!!


kakak elis kalah..n nanges...:(

we had so much fun!!!
can't wait for next year!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

along Adi dh kawen!!

let me start d entry after d long break wth a heppy memories...;)

Alhamdulillah my cuzzy along Adi telah selamat menjadi suami heppy i am cz akhirnya kawen jugak abgku yg sorg ni..hehe..alhamdulillah...we came down all d way frm JB to Malaka for his Big Day as i'm so excited about it..further more i just love anytin bout wedding..;)
n almost all weddings sure make momy to tears..especialy during the la kn..time ni la parents kiter nk lepaskn kiter pd org touching la kiranya..hukhuk...
evrytin just so beautiful..just momy jer yg xsmpat nk snap pict sgt cz bz wth d boys here r some pict yg momy dpt snap..;)

our dear along Adi...nerbes kot time ni..;)

pelamin yg cntik..:))

hantaran pn cntek..

my family..:))

marilah same2 kt doakn semoga mereka bahagia
dan kekal ke akhir hayat
serta dikurniakan anak2 yg soleh dan solehah..Amin...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

aiyak dh besawang? =P

owh...sudah bersawang....
will update soon...