This few days mommy did loads of reading n browsing d internet bout premie babies...n this is one of d article wth important topic n mommy rs mommy memang kena tau...
Many moms wonder if they can still breast-feed their premature baby. Yes you can but it isn't always a easy road. Your milk is perfect for your baby because colostrum and your breast milk have antibodies, white blood cells, and immune properties that will help in your baby resisting infection.
- You can introduce breastfeeding around 32 weeks or so, as long as your baby is doing well. Some countries encourage putting your baby to the breast earlier.
- As you can you should begin expressing breast milk, Use a good breast pump when you milk comes in.
- You want to try to express you milk at least 6 to 8 times daily.
- Emptying you breast completely every time.
- Always use clean and sterile containers to express you milk into. A majority of hospitals will provide the containers for you.
- Your baby may be too premature to use your milk just yet, it can be frozen to use later.
- Make sure to label the container with your name and the date; the oldest milk will be used first.
- Make sure you get plenty of rest and fluids, to increase your milk supply.
- Increasing the frequency of pumping can help increase your supply.
- Answers to your questions, advice and support can be gotten from the nurses and/or a lactation consultant.
Keep in mind that sometimes even with the best of intentions your breast milk supply may decrease if all you can do is pump and your baby is still too small to nurse. If you have only managed to express a small amount of colostrum and breast milk, it will help your baby more than you realize.
Copyright © Angelia Fenton.