Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, November 30, 2009

niyaz al-rayyan...& niyaz al-rifqi...

last nite mommy mimipi..mmg la evdyday mimpi but this time mimpi ni lain sket...i had a dream sumone came to me n ask me to name my baby as niyaz best jer kn..erm d dream was short je thn mommy trus bgn nk p shishi..huhu...
erm...patut ke mommy n abi ikut my dream tu yek..??feel like mmg nk ikut pn n mommy even dh dpt d name for our second twin yg cm kena dgn d name niyaz tu...hehe..niyaz al-rifqi..ha cmne?ok x..hehe actually name rifqi tu is nama one d ustaz yg bg ceramah kt masjid ni..mmg time preggy ni mommy suka tgk d ustaz..hehe..abi jgn marah ek...
but d names seems too long la plk kn..ermm..xpela..still got time to choose kn..but wht ever pn mommy nk d name rayyan n rifqi mst ade in my twinnies name..even now mommy pn dh slalu ckp2 wth d twinnies n panggil dorg wth d name rayyan n rifqi..mommy suka,suka,suka....

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 mommy trsgtla cpt rasa penat...maybe cz bawa 2babies kot..since mommy dh enter 8mnths ni rs cm xsabar nk jmpe my twinnies...theee..i just wonder how they look like?r they gonna hv a dimple n big eyes as i am or mata steam abi dorg yek?hehheh...
brg2 baby 4 this time being i think dh cukup..just yg bsr2 la mommy n abi rs later la pn blh..nk tunggu btl2 sale kot..huhu kena pndai shoppin 4d twins beg memang mommy n abi dh prepare since d time doc ckp we might bring out d baby early...sumtimes i feel like it's ok if d twinnies kluar awal as me n hubby mmg dh xsbr nk jmper our twinnies kn..but of coz we want our twinnies 2be really ready wth good weight n superb health condition kn..but ni semua ketentuan Allah..kt hanya blh merancang..Allah jua yg menentukan...
so td dh wt check-up n doc kt as for now xde yg perlu di nye "doppler reading" pn mommy n abi feel so lega as d babies blh dok dlm pewot mommy lg..tmbah berat lg...tndang2 mommy lg...thee..mommy n abi sayang abg n adik kay...

Monday, November 16, 2009

rezeki anak2....

2day mommy dpt surat tawaran keje..MasyaAllah..mcm sgt la xpecaya cz all this while betahun-tahun mommy apply keje 'Gomen', xpenah nye la yg la yg org kt rezeki anak-anak kn...sekali mintak n pergi interview time boyot-boyot pn Alhamdulillah mommy dpt keje...mommy got d offer from UTM to be a Penyelia Asrama..job mommy ni nnt same cm nnt mommy blh la p n blk keje same2 ngn abi...yeay!!!so after discussing wth abi, mommy decide nk lapor diri on d 4th of december 2009 kr nnt sng la nk kr gaji..ewah..blm keje dh ckp psl gaji ek..hehehe...xla..mommy kena p wt check-up kt hosp.bsr so xkn la nnt br msuk keje dh nk kluar2 plk kn..erm baik kn mommy ni..hikhik..erm lg pn sng la ati nk keje dh settle check-up kn..pape pn mommy memang syukur sgt dlm thn ni betambah-tambah rezeki 4mommy n abi...Alhamdulillah...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Can I Nurse my Premature Baby?

This few days mommy did loads of reading n browsing d internet bout premie babies...n this is one of d article wth important topic n mommy rs mommy memang kena tau...

Many moms wonder if they can still breast-feed their premature baby. Yes you can but it isn't always a easy road. Your milk is perfect for your baby because colostrum and your breast milk have antibodies, white blood cells, and immune properties that will help in your baby resisting infection.

  • You can introduce breastfeeding around 32 weeks or so, as long as your baby is doing well. Some countries encourage putting your baby to the breast earlier.
  • As you can you should begin expressing breast milk, Use a good breast pump when you milk comes in.
  • You want to try to express you milk at least 6 to 8 times daily.
  • Emptying you breast completely every time.
  • Always use clean and sterile containers to express you milk into. A majority of hospitals will provide the containers for you.
  • Your baby may be too premature to use your milk just yet, it can be frozen to use later.
  • Make sure to label the container with your name and the date; the oldest milk will be used first.
  • Make sure you get plenty of rest and fluids, to increase your milk supply.
  • Increasing the frequency of pumping can help increase your supply.
  • Answers to your questions, advice and support can be gotten from the nurses and/or a lactation consultant.

Keep in mind that sometimes even with the best of intentions your breast milk supply may decrease if all you can do is pump and your baby is still too small to nurse. If you have only managed to express a small amount of colostrum and breast milk, it will help your baby more than you realize.

Copyright © Angelia Fenton.

Monday, November 9, 2009

weekly check-up...

since mommy pn dh nk msuk 30weeks preggy n condition baby dlm pewot, start last week dh kena wat weekly check-up..this week rs nervous sgt nk jmpe doc..but at d same time xsbr nk tgk perkembangan my 2heroes ni..Alahamdulillah..their weight different dh xjauh beza dh..but doc kt kena observe their condition every doc dh start wt "doppler reading".doc ckp mommy kena wt ni coz nk tgk graf aliran darah both of them...n Alhamdulillah, d graf shows good sign..both them dpt darah n all d nutritions secukupnya...lega hati mommy...erm 2morrow mommy kena wt MGTT test again..doc kt langkah berjaga-jaga..if dh kena diabetis nnt lg la ssh kn...insyaAllah semua dengan izin-Nya akan dipermudahkn n berjalan lancar...Amin...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

prime babies....

this few days mommy dh ok skt..xla cm masa mula2 doc bg tau condition my twinnies tu..mommy dh pk if asyik sedey pn xguna kn..dh la xbaik 4d babies this few days i did loads of browsing d internet bout prime 2take care of them n mcm2 lg la they r very fragile so we need 2be extra care wth them..
mcm2 i jmpe dlm internet..ader jer baby yg lahir 500gram n Alhamdulillah dorg blh survive n dh bsr's just that they have 2 spend a long time in d hospital..ble tgk all d picts n videos bout them terasa sayu sgt hati la kn..tgk baby yg comel2 dlm incubator n dh ader wayer2 berselirat kn..xsmpai hati betol..i just can imagine how myself in that situation..but i pray to Allah as everytin will go smoothly...permudahkan la segalanya..

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

hati x senang...

2day mommy kena amik d 3rd dos DECAN yg tujuan nyer utk matangkn paru2 baby...doc inject at d same spot..pedih nyer 4my babies biarla mommy sakit cmner pn kn...mlm td susah betol nk tdo..mimpi yg bukan2 jer..2la kn..ble emosi menguasai diri kn..syaitan pn mula la ganggu..mommy doa biarla mommy yg sakit asal nothing happen 2my baby...
doc howwa u? ok? of coz la xok doc...sgt risau kn..thn doc ckp dun worry 2 much,its not good 4d baby plk still la xkn la mommy blh suka2 plk la doc nih..haishhh...
after d injection mommy dh xdak mood nk p keje...hati pn xsenang kn..abi plk xdpt nk teman p jmpe doc lg la mommy jd sedeyy...thn decide ah p jusco la..hepykn diri sndr, my own 1st i thought just nk p window shopping ler kn...n mkn2 ker..last2 tejebak n habislah a few xpela kn..yg pntg beli brg2 pn utk my heroes gak...hikhik...
to my babies,
anak2 mommy...mkn same2 yer nak...share yer sayang...mommy n abi sayang sgt kt anak2 mommy n abi ni...xsabar nk tunggu u all come out..mmuuaxxx...

Monday, November 2, 2009

mommy takut...

today as usual mommy n abi p wt monthly check-up kt our private kali ni sgt la xbest...semuanya cerita sedehh..n makes mommy risau sgt2!!!2day since morning pn mmg mommy asyik rs xsdp hati..
since dh 30 weeks preggy doc mmg check byk bndala especially for mommy yg carry twins like me usual doc akan ukur baby n from there dptla estimation brt baby kn..normally my babies nyer weight difference xbyk...just around 100-150gram difference...but at this time suddenly d 1st twin nyer weight dh 300+gram more thn d 2nd twin.doc said this is not good.really2 not good...ya Allah risaunye mommy time my mind dh start la pk yg bukan2...
b4 this mommy xpenah crite kn tht i'm carrying identicle twin so they r sharing d same evrytin have 2 be from mommy n all d nutritions.i did ask d doc is there anytin or any pills i should take?he said tht it's very simple..d only way is to pujuk my twinnies 2 2thm evryday...mmg slalu pn mommy talk to my twinnies n insyaAllah i'll try my very best..
ble dh pk mcm2, so a lot of question la yg kluar frm my mouth kn..n as 4me d scarriest question will be "what's d worst can happen??" doc ckp if this continue, i might loose my 2nd twin..ya cm gugur jntung dgr doc ckp cm2..xkn seteruk itu??n he added tht if d 1st twin pn telebih dpt nutrition, it will dangerous 4him too...
Ya Allah..selamatkanlah anak2ku...thn doc kt lg..worst come 2 worst we hv to out d baby babies will be prime babies..thn d doc ask me 2take DECAN injection..this is utk matangkn paru2 baby so tht if dorg kena lahir awal pn paru2 dorg dh ready...kena amik 3doses trus..mlm ni amik 2doses n 2morrow amik another dos...mommy ckp ngn doc, anytin best 4my babies doc..brape byk injections pn mommy xkesah...
d 2doses mmgla skt, rs cm perit sgt ms masuk tu..but mommy kuatkn semangat 4my heroes..
blk rumah tu mommy asyik nanges cm xsng ati la sgt..mula la otak ni nk pk yg bukan2...thn abi tenangkn mommy n ajak same2 smbahyang hajat...doa byk2,minta Allah lindungi our heroes...