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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
- Begins to recognize family voices and makes small "throaty" noises.
- Recognizes sounds by blinking, crying or showing the startle reflex (arms and legs move away from the body equally).
- Blinks at bright light and may begin to follow, but eyes often do not focus together.
- Watch for the first smile ... truly a milestone. It is the earliest sign of mental growth ... the first thing your baby can do on his or her own! (Usually not seen until 2-3 months).
- Lifts head briefly when lying on his or her stomach.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Majlis Tahniq & Aqiqah...
selain tu adela bacaan doa2 n ayat2 sepnjang mjlis mlm tu semuanya bejalan lncar..alhamdulillah..rayyan n rifqi pn xwt hal meragam...pndai ank2 mommy ek..tetamu2 yg dtg kt mjlis tu dihidangkn dgn ns beryani+ayam merah+dgg lmbu (yg dikorbankn itu)msk kari pekat+dalca...wah sdp2...thn de tulang tu di masakkn sup..ha yg lauk sup 2je mommy blh mkn...huhu mklumla kn dlm pntg ni la gmbr2 time mjlis tu...enjoy ya...
*owh lupe nk bg tau..wan,tok babah,makyang,mymi n kak anis de dtg trn jb..nk jmpe rayyan n rifqi yg utamanya n nk join mjlis tu la kn..hikhik...
Sunday, December 13, 2009
d jurney...
CTG reading result xbagus..2nd twin's heart beat mendatar nurse kt kena tunggu doc pakar dtg n wait 4 their decision..mommy dh rs xsbg hati dh...solat subuh n doa biarla dipermudahkn segalanya..Ya Allah,selamatkanlah kami bertiga..
b1st pagi ni mommy xde slera force gak mkn cz takut nnt ank2 mommt mate siap bg lg extra suh mommy mkn..huhu dorg sume baik..heart u la fizi n kak irma!
doc pakar dh start round wt check-up..dlm blk tu mommy org 1st..doc tgk result graf CTG pg td..doc tanya's d babies nyer movement?cm biase or rs kurang gerak..huh..mommy pn sometimes baby de 2 kn..but i realise yg d baby on my left side ni xkick mommy this morning..thn doc discuss ngn another doc...last skali thy decide tht we hv to make en emegency operation tht afternoon..doc tanya whn last mommy mkn n i said this morning..doc trus suh puasa..n she told me we gonna make d operation around 2-3pm..
1st mommy call abi dulu..abi ckp pg tu pn dier rs cm xde mood nk p keje..patut la..nk jmper rayyan n rifqi dh yer..hikhik..thn mommy call wan n tok babah..bagi tau n minta maaf la..kita nk operate ni antara hidup n mati kn..sebut mati tu Sunat..n minta dorg doakn utk kami bertiga..lps2 tu bykla call masuk..from paklong,mkyang n maklong...semua pn call wish me luck n suruh istighfar n selawat byk2...InsyaAllah...byk lg jer org call but mommy cm rs xnk jwb..nk tenangkn fikiran la katakn..hihi
abi dh smpai...teman mommy kt wad semntara tunggu nk operate..thn kt bc yassin same2..alhamdulillah rs tenang blk mommy..thn nurse panggil utk wt malula plk org lain nk kena shave kn kt..theeee...thanx nurse!!mommy pn xingt name nurse muka dier ingt jer..thn mommy dok lepak lg ngn abi..borak2 tenangkn fikiran..thn lunch smpai tp mommy xleh mkn cz dh kena puasa..mommy pn blh plk lupe suh dorg abi pn blh mkn kn..cian abi..lapar abi pn cm xde slera nk mkn..risau kn..mommy,rayyan n rifqi sayang abi!!!
doc dtg suh mommy sign surat kebenaran...n doc masukkan jarum utk nnt nk masukkan drip nnt..auch!mommy mmg xsuka jarum..nsb la urat senang nk jmper..trus jer masuk..alhamdulillah Allah permudahkn segalanya...pas2 mommy solat zuhur dl..abi pn samer..
lg skali nurse p'gil masuk dlm bilik blakang..kali ni dorg nk kena masukkn tube utk after d operation of cz mommy xblh nk ke toilet dl kn..erm this process hurt..adoiyai..blh plk mula2 nurse ingt dh salah masuk lubang..kluarkn n masukkn semula..actually mmg dh betul dh!!xpasal kena rs skt 2times..haish...
lepas jer kena masuk tube td h.a dr operation theatre dh tunggu nk bw mommy masuk..ha..cpt nyer?dorg trus suh mommy baring atas katil tu nk sorong p sana.."eh,saya blm jumper hubby saya..." thn nurse kt xpe sy p bg tau hubby awk jp.thn she came back kt abi dh xde kt bilik..ala..xkn xjmpe abi b4 BIG thingi cm ni kn..mommy dh cuak..nsb la org yg nk tolak mommy tu baik sgt..dier tlg cr kn abi..rupenyer abi dh tunggu kt luar cz nnt nk jlnn same2 time mommy kena tolak ke O.T nnt..laju gak dorg tolak...abi senyum je along d way smbil pegang tangan mommy..i knw he smile 2 calm me..n i know he's scared too..smpai kt O.T de dua2 staf nurse pegang borang n tanya few questions kt mommy..thn i was asked to sign de form la..thn they said it's time dh nk masuk dlm n gv us chance to say our last words..sayu sgt waktu tu..mommy pn xtau nk ckp pe..just ckp I Love U je kt abi..abi pn same n dier senyum jer..thn dorg tolak mommy masuk n mommy just wave at abi smpai dh xnmpak each other..takutnyer!!i can see all d lights along d way..sejuk sgt kt dlm ni..mommy yg t'lebih sejuk ke xtaula..thn mommy jmper ngn doc bius..she explain 2me evrytin..n she added,normally org bdn bsr ssh sket nk bius kt spinal tp tu bhgn msg2 kn..Alhamdulillah semua nyer di permudahkn...dgn skali cube jer dorg dh brjaya buse kn mommy..thn mommy kena baring dh..doc tanya can u feel anytin?mmg xde rs pe pn dh..berjaya..yeay!!
maka bermulalah operasi ke atas mommy..erm mcm rs jer de sumtin yg lalu atas my skin time doc toreh my tummy tu...or maybe just perasaan mommy kot..doc tanya puan ok??ok jer la jwb nyer kn...pas2 mommy cm rs ngntok sesgt..siap tanya doc buse tu..can i sleep??thn she said ok jer anytin she'll nyer lelap la dlm few mnts..thn tejg ble dgr sumtin..n dorg pn cm panic..uik??wht's going on??time tgh kecoh2 tu nsb baik i kaki xrase pape kn..tbe2 je cm meleret nk tegolek ke bwh..huish...bahaya gler!!! tp alhamdulillah xde pape..thn i dgr dorg ckp.."1st twin out..1514..."thn mommy dgr my baby cry...trus mommy pn nanges..yeah..2la tangisan kesyukuran..selang seminit.."2nd twin out..1515..."lg lebat la air mata ni..alhamdulillah 2je yg byk kali kluar frm my mouth..sgt syukur as evrytin di permudahkan..alhamdulillah..syukur pd mu ya Allah...thn tbe la time utk "jahit time"..bukan rs pn lame gak rupenyer this process..meanwhile dorg brsih2 kn my babies...thn thy bring d 1st twin - rayyan to me.."ok,ths is ur 1st's a boy ya puan..ok..kiss ur mommy.."alahai best nyer rs..chumell nyer ank mommy...ehehehe..thn same 4 d 2nd twin..both my babies sgt la cute..suka3...thn doc bg tau yg d 2nd twin kena dok dlm N.I.C.U for few days...sebak la mommy rs time tu..but thre's good news!!both of my boys no need 2be in d incubator..alhamdulillah...
dh settle jahit n ble dh stable dorg push mommy 2 d ruang menunggu b4 dihntar ke wad...after d operation bdn nie jd sejuk sgt..i was shivvering like mad!!thn ckp kt nurse tu..saya sejuk sgt ni..thn dorg letak satu blanket merangkap heater kt bdn mommy..barula lega twinnies were place at d station beside nmpk dorg frm jauh jer..both thm kena letak bwh lampu kuning cm utk warm thm..thn de one nurse bring rayyan to me to let me practise breastfeed...xberjaya..he cm blm pndai nk isap..huhu..thn try wth rifqi plk..he's good tp mulut plk kecik cm xblh nk isap..cian both ank2 mommy..xpe2 nnt kt trus kn usaha utk blajar isap kay boys..thn d babies di bawa ke N.I.C.U utk check-up n mommy ditolak ke wad..time kluar dr OT,mommy tgk abi xde thn nurse ckp abi p ikut d twins..utk Azan n Iqamat kn dorg...
smpai kt wad dlm bilik tu br de sorg jer mommy n her baby..thn dorg dh pndhln mommy ke katil la skt cm ok lg..thn de 2nurse nk kena 2ka mattress cover..byk drh so kenala 2ka..thn abi pn dtg..mommy salam n cium tgn abi thn abi cium terharu plk tht time..hikhik..abi dh siap2 blkn air milo 4mommy cz tau mst la mommy sgt lapar..thanx hubby!!love u..thn abi crite la rayyan ade kt nursery luar but rifqi still kena stay dkt dlm N.I.C.U cz kadar gula dlm bdn rifqi rndah..cian ank mommy..kenala mommy tunggu to spend time wth both thm...kul6 lps tu mommy dh blh mkn..abi pn suap wth food yg provided...pas2 dh xblh nk mommy pn kenala rehat n tunggu abi dtg d next day..
* i was thn discharcged on d 3rd day after doc cnfirm evrytin is jahitan alhamdulillah dh kering n doc kt..
"ha..cantekk.."hikhik..thn doc pn ckp rayyan pn dh blh blk..alhamdulillah...pas2 mommy dpt call frm umi lis yg keje kt wad sebelah tht rifqi pn dh blh discharged 2day..alhamdulillah..Allah permudahkn segalanya...
Friday, December 11, 2009
d twinnies is home!!
wan n tok babah plus anis awal2 lg dh dtg n sgt la xsabar nk bw d twinnies home..1st month ni mommy kena brpantang dkt tmn.U dl..blm blh blk peejay as mommy pn operate so long distance x digalakkn long as abi ader mommy dh cian kt wan n tok babah..xpe2 nnt mommy dh kuat sket n rayyan n rifqi pn dh bsr kt blk peejay kay..xsbr plk rs..
whn we arrive home, nenek n mak usu nurul dh tunggu..bilik pn dh siap 4mommy n d twinnies..2day d twinnies dh 3days old..time ni dorg tdo je la...just ble nk susu they'll start nanges..n rifqi ader style nanges yg agak merisaukn sume tua2 ckp "nanges smpai kejat2".haish..nape la anak mommy ni..risau wan n nenek tau..xpe2 sayanag rayyan n rifqi kay..xoxo
so ni la gmbr2 baby br blk frm hosp...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
dedicated to my twinnies...
Birth Announcements
Birth Announcements
welcome 2d world darling...
mommy n abi heart both u very2 much sayang...
rayyan n rifqi..mommy n abi's heroes...
welcome 2d world my dear twinnies...
mommy trus jd panic n doc trus ckp yg "it's time 2bring out d babies..."what??now??like 2day doc??ha..cm2 la mommy nyer reaction..i'm happy cz finally mase yg mommy tunggu2 dh smpai..i'm gonna meet my twinnies 4d 1st time..yeay!!!hepy,takut,nervous plus mcm2 la feeling cmpur2 dlm hati mommy ni..doc trus suh mommy puasa n will do d operation around 3pm..lg 6jam jer..trus call abi n he seems shock gak..thn i called my ibu..explain 2her evrytin n knowing my mom,she start dh nanges..ibu mn yg xrisau kn..
start tu d news dh spread out..ramaila yg call n wish me luck..xlame abi pn smpai n temankn mommy..1st thing ble nmpk abi mommy peluk abi mommy takut sgt ni..thn ktorg pn bc Surah Yassin same2..semntara tgh tunggu je ni utk di bawak ke operation theatre...doakn kami bertiga yer..
2my twinnies rayyan n rifqi,
jp lg kt akan jmper..mommy xsabar ni..kuat2 yer ank2 mommy!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
we r admitted..
so pg tu b4 gerak ke hosp bsr..mak msk kn ikan dr last week mmg mommy teringin sgt nk mkn tempoyak but xsempat nk tht morning i mkn dl ns dgn ikan tempoyak..mmg favourit mommy tp mood n slera xde..cmne nk mkn ble risau kn..thn mommy n abi p hosp..smpai kt hosp bsr, they did d standard procedure..VE (Vaginal Examination)...tekejut sgt mommy tht time..xde warning tau..huhu..
lame mommy kt dlm bilik saringan tu..smpai abi pn call risau cz he has 2wait outside.thn they start wt CGR to check d babies heart beat..n according to thm their heartbeat r still stable..Alhamdulillah...
later thn,doc in-charge dtg..he explained dkt hospital sultanah aminah d ventilation machines r all occupied..he said tht mommy need 2b send to hospital sultan ismail cz dorg dh reserve kn d ventilation machine 4us mommy kena naik ambulance..ha?biar btul...abi kena drive our car there mommy naik d ambulance wth one nurse..dier yg jg mommy along d way...laju gler..sepnjang pejalanan tu mommy baca mcm2 ayat n byk2 ngucap n istighfar...
whn we arrived at hospital sultan ismail n mommy turun jer frm ambulance..mommy nmpk abi dh tunggu...Alhamdulillah n dlm ati ckp laju nyer abi drive...huhu..after all d procedures..mommy kena p jmpe pakar dkt c2..his name is dr.Rajesh..a very nice doc..he did d doppler reading n he said d graf seems getting better..y not we give d babies chance to grow n gain weight more..but he said that they promise to observe mommy evry 4hours especially d part to hear their mommy kena admitt ptg tu..trus nanges cz kt hosp gomen ni hubby xblh teman kt bilik...i hv 2be alone mlm2 4 my babies xpela kn...ape pn mommy sanggup 4both u sayang...
so mommy's twinnies,
be strong ya...anak2 mommy mst kuat cm mommy kn!!
rayyan n rifqi..our heroes...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
mommy n my preggy fwens...
since mommy admitted dh ramai kwn mommy kt yg dok sehari,2hari n yg dok stakat few hours pn ade ble labour room dh full..hehe..mommy ingt i'm d only one ygkena dok cni lame2..rupenye de ramai la lg preggy mommy yg de complication..sian dorg..yg dh dok kt hosp sebulan pn ade..mommy nye room mate la 2..
hehe..her name is kak irma..carrying her 2nd baby..she de komplikasi kedudukan uri di bawah..people wth this kind of complication kena duk kt hosp cz any time blh jd bleeding n jd tumpah darah...seram jer dgr ek..alhamdulillah la mommy n my twinnies xde kena cm2..since dh a week ktorg dok same2 kt dh jd close la n dh jd senior kt ward when ever de org br kt c2 mst kami interview..hehe
so mommy pn xla rs sedey n bowink sgt ble dh de geng kn..lgpn geng mommy yg dlm pewot ni pn always teman mommy kn ;)..ha..lupe nk crite..since now ni upin ipin mmg tgh femes..mommy ni d gelar "mommy upin ipin kt cni..hehe..ble d nurse nk check baby nyer jntung jer mst dorg akan ckp.."so,upin n ipin..howwa u 2day?..betul,betul,betul..."
erm evryday d routine cm2 early as 4a.m nurse akan dtg tuk wt mommy yg carry "upin n ipin" ni ;) kena wt CGR doc kena observe their heart beat..time wt CGR tu mmg xslesa kena stay still jer,if not nnt d reading cm xbtl plk nnt..thn kul6.30 mommy mnd n solat subuh..thn 7.30 b1st dh smpai...mkn2 dh jd ngantok la plk..thn t'tdo la smbil tunggu doc pakar dtg wt check-up..after d chech-up normally mommy smbung mlm2 ssh nk dpt tdo kn..erm thn mkn lg 4lunch nyer evryday mommy nyer routin is mkn n tdo je plus tgk tv...thn ptg abi dtg around 5.30pm..time tu la nk lps rindu n manje2...thn evrytime abi nk blk, sure la mommy nk nages..haish mommy...manjer ke ngade2 nih..hikhik...
cm2 la mommy spend most of d time d wad..mkn n tdo plus tv...boring but wht 2do kn..kena dok kt cni so tht doc blh observe my twinnies condition..n so far they r doing fine..
abg n strong ya dear...mommy n abi mmg xsbr nk jmper abg n adk but stay dl ya..mommy nk ank2 mommy kuat n gain more weight twinnywinnies...xoxo
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
d day...
thn doc explain it's better if kt kluarkn baby awal n observe dr luar, if baby still dkt dlm n if action lmbt lg mcm2 hal blh mommy n abi ckp kt doc just do wht's best 4 our babies..thn doc buatkn refer letter utk mommy admitted ke hospital bsr..he said d best is dkt hosp besar (hospital sultanah aminah) as facilities lengkap plus all d pakar yg de kt jhr ade kt c2..mommy n abi ikut jer...
blk umah abi explain to mak n ayah 'bout d babies condition..mommy pn trus call ibu n babah n explain to thm gak..insyaAllah with all d prayers from all our love ones...
ya Allah,slamatkanlah aku dan anak2 dlm kndungan ku ini..
lindungilah kami ya Allah...Amin...
to my twinnies..,
hang on buddies..xlama je lg kt akan jmpe ye rayyan n rifqi..
anak2 mommy kena kuat ya...mommy n abi sayang kamu!!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
niyaz al-rayyan...& niyaz al-rifqi...
erm...patut ke mommy n abi ikut my dream tu yek..??feel like mmg nk ikut pn n mommy even dh dpt d name for our second twin yg cm kena dgn d name niyaz tu...hehe..niyaz al-rifqi..ha cmne?ok x..hehe actually name rifqi tu is nama one d ustaz yg bg ceramah kt masjid ni..mmg time preggy ni mommy suka tgk d ustaz..hehe..abi jgn marah ek...
but d names seems too long la plk kn..ermm..xpela..still got time to choose kn..but wht ever pn mommy nk d name rayyan n rifqi mst ade in my twinnies name..even now mommy pn dh slalu ckp2 wth d twinnies n panggil dorg wth d name rayyan n rifqi..mommy suka,suka,suka....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
brg2 baby 4 this time being i think dh cukup..just yg bsr2 la mommy n abi rs later la pn blh..nk tunggu btl2 sale kot..huhu kena pndai shoppin 4d twins beg memang mommy n abi dh prepare since d time doc ckp we might bring out d baby early...sumtimes i feel like it's ok if d twinnies kluar awal as me n hubby mmg dh xsbr nk jmper our twinnies kn..but of coz we want our twinnies 2be really ready wth good weight n superb health condition kn..but ni semua ketentuan Allah..kt hanya blh merancang..Allah jua yg menentukan...
so td dh wt check-up n doc kt as for now xde yg perlu di nye "doppler reading" pn mommy n abi feel so lega as d babies blh dok dlm pewot mommy lg..tmbah berat lg...tndang2 mommy lg...thee..mommy n abi sayang abg n adik kay...
Monday, November 16, 2009
rezeki anak2....
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Can I Nurse my Premature Baby?
This few days mommy did loads of reading n browsing d internet bout premie babies...n this is one of d article wth important topic n mommy rs mommy memang kena tau...
Many moms wonder if they can still breast-feed their premature baby. Yes you can but it isn't always a easy road. Your milk is perfect for your baby because colostrum and your breast milk have antibodies, white blood cells, and immune properties that will help in your baby resisting infection.
- You can introduce breastfeeding around 32 weeks or so, as long as your baby is doing well. Some countries encourage putting your baby to the breast earlier.
- As you can you should begin expressing breast milk, Use a good breast pump when you milk comes in.
- You want to try to express you milk at least 6 to 8 times daily.
- Emptying you breast completely every time.
- Always use clean and sterile containers to express you milk into. A majority of hospitals will provide the containers for you.
- Your baby may be too premature to use your milk just yet, it can be frozen to use later.
- Make sure to label the container with your name and the date; the oldest milk will be used first.
- Make sure you get plenty of rest and fluids, to increase your milk supply.
- Increasing the frequency of pumping can help increase your supply.
- Answers to your questions, advice and support can be gotten from the nurses and/or a lactation consultant.
Keep in mind that sometimes even with the best of intentions your breast milk supply may decrease if all you can do is pump and your baby is still too small to nurse. If you have only managed to express a small amount of colostrum and breast milk, it will help your baby more than you realize.
Monday, November 9, 2009
weekly check-up...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
prime babies....
mcm2 i jmpe dlm internet..ader jer baby yg lahir 500gram n Alhamdulillah dorg blh survive n dh bsr's just that they have 2 spend a long time in d hospital..ble tgk all d picts n videos bout them terasa sayu sgt hati la kn..tgk baby yg comel2 dlm incubator n dh ader wayer2 berselirat kn..xsmpai hati betol..i just can imagine how myself in that situation..but i pray to Allah as everytin will go smoothly...permudahkan la segalanya..
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
hati x senang...
doc howwa u? ok? of coz la xok doc...sgt risau kn..thn doc ckp dun worry 2 much,its not good 4d baby plk still la xkn la mommy blh suka2 plk la doc nih..haishhh...
after d injection mommy dh xdak mood nk p keje...hati pn xsenang kn..abi plk xdpt nk teman p jmpe doc lg la mommy jd sedeyy...thn decide ah p jusco la..hepykn diri sndr, my own 1st i thought just nk p window shopping ler kn...n mkn2 ker..last2 tejebak n habislah a few xpela kn..yg pntg beli brg2 pn utk my heroes gak...hikhik...
to my babies,
anak2 mommy...mkn same2 yer nak...share yer sayang...mommy n abi sayang sgt kt anak2 mommy n abi ni...xsabar nk tunggu u all come out..mmuuaxxx...
Monday, November 2, 2009
mommy takut...
since dh 30 weeks preggy doc mmg check byk bndala especially for mommy yg carry twins like me usual doc akan ukur baby n from there dptla estimation brt baby kn..normally my babies nyer weight difference xbyk...just around 100-150gram difference...but at this time suddenly d 1st twin nyer weight dh 300+gram more thn d 2nd twin.doc said this is not good.really2 not good...ya Allah risaunye mommy time my mind dh start la pk yg bukan2...
b4 this mommy xpenah crite kn tht i'm carrying identicle twin so they r sharing d same evrytin have 2 be from mommy n all d nutritions.i did ask d doc is there anytin or any pills i should take?he said tht it's very simple..d only way is to pujuk my twinnies 2 2thm evryday...mmg slalu pn mommy talk to my twinnies n insyaAllah i'll try my very best..
ble dh pk mcm2, so a lot of question la yg kluar frm my mouth kn..n as 4me d scarriest question will be "what's d worst can happen??" doc ckp if this continue, i might loose my 2nd twin..ya cm gugur jntung dgr doc ckp cm2..xkn seteruk itu??n he added tht if d 1st twin pn telebih dpt nutrition, it will dangerous 4him too...
Ya Allah..selamatkanlah anak2ku...thn doc kt lg..worst come 2 worst we hv to out d baby babies will be prime babies..thn d doc ask me 2take DECAN injection..this is utk matangkn paru2 baby so tht if dorg kena lahir awal pn paru2 dorg dh ready...kena amik 3doses trus..mlm ni amik 2doses n 2morrow amik another dos...mommy ckp ngn doc, anytin best 4my babies doc..brape byk injections pn mommy xkesah...
d 2doses mmgla skt, rs cm perit sgt ms masuk tu..but mommy kuatkn semangat 4my heroes..
blk rumah tu mommy asyik nanges cm xsng ati la sgt..mula la otak ni nk pk yg bukan2...thn abi tenangkn mommy n ajak same2 smbahyang hajat...doa byk2,minta Allah lindungi our heroes...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
while mommy surfing d net td, i came across this intrsting i a good wifey to my hubby???big2 question mark rite there...yeah...evry womens dream 2 be d best 2 their husband..but kita ni hanyalah hamba-Nya yang tidak sempurna dalam serba-serbi frm this article blh la kt tgk situ-sini mana yg blh diprbaiki..insyaAllah...
Every married man wishes to have a good wife. Many people advice the new bride to be a good wife to her husband. But what are the makings of a good or perfect wife? Many women do not know. Many of the qualities of a good wife are already inbuilt in a person and the rest can be developed.
In India the qualities of a good wife or eight noble virtues an ideal wife should have are summed up in the verse from Neethisaram.
"Karyeshu Dasi, Karaneshu Manthri; Bhojeshu Mata, Shayaneshu Rambha,
Roopeshu lakshmi, Kshamayeshu Dharitri, Satkarma Nari, Kuladharma Pathni".
Here are some of the Qualities a man looks in his wife.
1) Be pleasant: It is said that ‘we need to treat others the way we want ourselves to be treated.’ Never be rude to our husband, family and friends. Be warm, kind, positive, understanding and friendly. Work to be pleasant toward your husband. Don’t be one of those people who make everyone around you feel bad just because you’ve had a hard day. Welcome your husband with a smile when he comes home instead of a sour face. A good wife honors her hubby by keeping a pleasant tone in her voice, a happy smile on her face and a neat and clean appearance. Listen to him talk about his day especially if it was a difficult one. If you don't like how you partner treats you, take a minute to notice how you treat your partner and correct your behavior.
2) Treat your Husband with Respect: If you expect respect from others we need to treat others with respect too. Haven’t we all heard ‘Give respect and take respect’. Respect can be reflected in the way one talks and behaves. Always speak in a loving and refrain from speaking in a harsh manner. A good wife respects her hubby and she never chooses to belittle, strike, humiliate or otherwise harm him in private nor in public. It is better to watch what you say and to think your thoughts through before speaking as it is not possible to take back the words once they have been spoken. A good wife will treat her man with respect in front of others and at home.
3) Communicate: Communication is key to a good and solid marriage. Do not hide things from your husband or keep secrets after marriage. Be honest to him. Find time to sit and talk with your husband on a daily basis even if it is for only half an hour. If you let things bottle up and feel that you cannot share with your husband anything then your marriage is in trouble. Be a good listener when your husband is talking. You may have a dozen important things to tell him but allow him to talk first. Don't greet him with complaints and problems the moment he comes back from work. Good Communication also helps to build trust and strengthen your relationship. After marriage the wife and husband are a team or partners. Do not take any major decisions about the family without consulting with husband. Fights or problems may happen in between the two but do not let the world know about it rather solve it between yourselves. The fight you had last week over shopping or whatever is over and done with. So move on with it and stop rehashing old stuff and reminding him of his faults. Do not resort to name calling, hitting, spitting, breaking dishes or anything else when you lose your temper. If you do he may actually start to fall out of love with you and you could lose him all together.
4) Be Supportive: A husband expects wife’s support and understanding especially in times of troubles. A good wife loves her hubby through his successes and failures and provides reassurance when he's feeling down. She is a nurturer and an equal partner in the marriage. Support your husband in all stages of his career and life. Do not belittle your man or hurt his ego. It is often heard saying that ‘a wife can make a man or break a man’. There’s no quicker way to build resentment in your man than to criticize him or belittle him especially in front of others. Be proud of him on his accomplishments and genuinely complement him. If you do this you can expect your husband to behave with you in the same manner and also respect you more for your support and thoughtfulness. When you don’t agree with him respectfully let him know you don’t agree.
5) Do not nag: No man would like a nagging wife. If you want to get your own way ask him nicely. Many wives think that is the only way to get her husband to do things is by nagging. But the truth is that your nagging can create unwanted rift or can make things worse between the two of you. Your husband is a grown man with his own thoughts and desires. Just because you think he should be doing something particular doesn't mean he has to do it.
6) Give him his space: As a wife you need to understand you’re your husband has a life other than you also. He has his family, friends and colleagues who too are part of his life. He also may have some hobbies or passions he is involved in. Don’t expect his undivided attention. Don’t stop him if he wants to go out and hang out with his friends sometimes or engage in a hobby or sport that he likes. An interfering wife can sometimes be too irritating.
7) Keep him happy in Bed: Sexual intimacy is one of the most essential things in any marriage. Please your man in bed. If you cannot keep your man happy in Bed he would go where he can get it. After all, a Man is a man!
8) Plan Surprises: Men like surprises too. It can be anything like organizing his birthday party without him knowing about it or planning a special night of passion by playing a seductress. Your surprises do not have to be elaborate and can be as simple as making him his favorite snack or his favorite dishes once in a while even if you would rather eat something else.
9) Express your love and appreciation often: Men likes praises and appreciation. Make the best of your time together. Men like to hear the words ‘I love you’ too. Also join him in activities that he's interested in even though you would have preferred to do something else or give him a thoughtful gift once in a while. Make it a point never to forget the special days in his life. Pamper him very often. Be his ‘little slave’ when he is at home. You can even cook for him or give him a good massage. Making him dependent on you by doing his chores when he is at home is not a bad idea. Let him miss you and think about you when you are not around. These gestures won’t go unnoticed and it may even inspire him to do something nice for you. Don't withhold affection.
10) Honesty, Loyalty and Dedication: A good wife would be honest, loyal and dedicated to her husband. Marriage is a life long commitment and the vows you have taken at the time of marriage should be kept in all conditions.
11) Prepare yourself: A good wife honors her hubby by keeping a pleasant tone in her voice, a happy smile on her face and a neat and clean appearance. Take special care about your appearance and everyday. Include exercises or yoga in your daily routine. Be hygienic. Some woman feel that once they are married why they should dress up or take care of their appearance. A man likes his wife to smell good. If you are unhealthy or not presentable your man may cheat you behind your back.
12) Prepare the House: Maintain a clean house all the time. Clear away the clutter and spend time decorating the house. Apart from this be wise with money and take all the responsibilities of a wife seriously without complaining.
Friday, October 2, 2009
tdo, tdo, tdo.....
so as usual la p wt check-up cm biase kt my private doc..erm this time cm lame skt kena scan..dgr heartbeat so touch dgr their xpecaya kt dlm pewott mommy ni ade 2bdk yg sgt cute..theee... :)yg paling best is mommy n abi dh tau our babies nyer gender..doc said tht it's a boy!!!yeay mommy is carrying there will be 4 heroes in my babah,my hubby and my twinnywinnies!!!heart all u my heroes...muaaxxx...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
morning sickness....
nahhh..dh asyik pelik nape xpenah kena morning sickness,yesterday mommy 1st time experienced morning sickness yg melampau..adoiiyai...xblh la nk dscribe keadaan tu..muntah smpai dh xde bnda nk kluar..d worst part is hubby xde same2.cian mommy cm pujukla diri sndiri at tht time..ooohhh sedey!!!but xpela kn...its all for mytwinnywinnies...
my dear babies,
just just want to let u know tht xkshla susah or penat n sakit cmne pn..i'll do anytin 4 u kay my heroes.. sayang anak2 mummy!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
no time...or malas
ha but mommy suka read n surf internet time preggy so my twinnywinnies,yg ni ikut ya nak...loads n loads of reading at this time plus sronok tul browsing internet..erm tp bab nk update blog malas la plk..kekeke..cmno la mummy ni ek..citer2 tinggi tu..huhu xpe2 when mommy have d time n mood i'll do it ya son!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
most important is d after a week dptla result d MGTT test n Alhamdulillah mommy nyer result ok.doc kt kena jg mkn as i'm over weight plus carrying multiples kn...insyaAllah akan control..(especially if hubby ader...hikhik)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
1 + 1 ??
so d doc referred me to private clinic where 3D ultrasound is available..erm i pk2 lg bagus cz facilities better kn...
ptg tu jugak me n hubby trus g d clinic n wt d 3D scan..Alhamdulillah..confirm!!! there's 2 lill people in my tummy..byk kali tanya doc "biar betul doc?"'s d best news ever i tell u..trus call my ibu n sume pn seronok,2ronok n beronok-ronok...hehehe...what makes this even lg best is 2day is our 1st kt celebrate la dgn dua bdk chumel dlm pewot mommy,best,best...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
d journey begins...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
d beginning...
at first i thought period lmbat cz since kawen mmg d counting dh xbrape wt xtau je la..after 2weeks rs cm ade yg i decided to buy d pregnanct test kit..had done it a few times b4 but d result r negative so this time pn i xla mengharap sgt,but at d same time nak,nak,nak...hikhik..did d test ptg time nk mandi.sambil nk tunggu cuci muka dl..thn cm perasan d result cm "positive" lex gak lg continue cuci muka..thn ble tgk betul2...yeay!!! mmg positive!!! Alhamdulillah..d 1st one to know of coz la hubby..hikhik.. suka,suka,suka...
d next day p clinic to double confirm...n doc siap sound lg if mmg dh positive mmg confirm la..erm what eva la doc nk ckp..d most important is we're mommy n daddy 2 be..yeay!!!