d boys were complaining about their hair..(mcm dh blh ckp plk kn..)
ekekeke..actually momy n abi yg dh kesian tgk both thm dok tergaru-garu their head..
cm gatal kot..lg plk their hair tu dh la halus kn..
so momy n abi decide to cut their hair short..
more tidy i guess..n cute ofcoz..:P
alhamdulillah evrytin goes smooth jer..d boys pn xla wt hal..
pandai anak2 momy ni..love u boys!!!
ekekeke..actually momy n abi yg dh kesian tgk both thm dok tergaru-garu their head..
cm gatal kot..lg plk their hair tu dh la halus kn..
so momy n abi decide to cut their hair short..
more tidy i guess..n cute ofcoz..:P
alhamdulillah evrytin goes smooth jer..d boys pn xla wt hal..
pandai anak2 momy ni..love u boys!!!

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