Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
twinnies 1st haircut!!
d boys were complaining about their hair..(mcm dh blh ckp plk kn..)
ekekeke..actually momy n abi yg dh kesian tgk both thm dok tergaru-garu their head..
cm gatal kot..lg plk their hair tu dh la halus kn..
so momy n abi decide to cut their hair short..
more tidy i guess..n cute ofcoz..:P
alhamdulillah evrytin goes smooth jer..d boys pn xla wt hal..
pandai anak2 momy ni..love u boys!!!
ekekeke..actually momy n abi yg dh kesian tgk both thm dok tergaru-garu their head..
cm gatal kot..lg plk their hair tu dh la halus kn..
so momy n abi decide to cut their hair short..
more tidy i guess..n cute ofcoz..:P
alhamdulillah evrytin goes smooth jer..d boys pn xla wt hal..
pandai anak2 momy ni..love u boys!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
my handsome prince!!!
rayyan ade 14!!
Rifqi dh ade 11!!!
Monday, August 22, 2011
spend time at makLong's crib!!
love this!!!
trip to pulau duyong,trengganu...;)
owh my..its been so long momy xupdate d blog..huhu..penyakit lame yg telah kembali which is M.A.L.A.S..ekekeke..n i'm bz too as now d boys is growing up n thy kinda make me run here n there..eyh yer ke i run?ahakkkssss..so here r some picts whn our visit to terengganu together wth wan n atok plus kakak anis last few months..i think it was in June kot..hehe..so enjoy!!

Riyaz Heritage Resort & Spa is a nice place to stay u guys!!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
main atas kerusi plak...;)
ini la favorite my two tecik tetots now..panjat3!!!
momy ni smpai skt2 jantung takut dorg jatuh..but boys will be boys kan..
hehehe..my two Superhero!!!
Monday, May 9, 2011
d tWinnieS next birThdaY!!!
Alhamdulillah..Rayyan n Rifqi dh genap 17 bulan..
n we have another 7mnths to plan for their 2nd birthday..hehe how excited i am for them..
n nw d boys r kind of love to ketuk2 all over d place after seeing their abi doing d house maintenance..
so momy dh decide nk wt theme Bob d Builder for their big day!!!yeay!!!
n we have another 7mnths to plan for their 2nd birthday..hehe how excited i am for them..
n nw d boys r kind of love to ketuk2 all over d place after seeing their abi doing d house maintenance..
so momy dh decide nk wt theme Bob d Builder for their big day!!!yeay!!!
my two tecik tetots!!
my two kicik tgh leka dok main dlm their toy room..
tp kena kiter skali dok dlm tu or else they will bawak all d toys outside..
hehehe..so time ni abi la yg dok layan while momy settle d house chores..;)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
happy mother's day!!!

to my beloved ibu..this is dedicated to you..
you're d best mum ever!!
terima kasih di atas semua pengorbanan yg telah ibu lakukan..
i'm a momy now n i'll try my level best be d best to my children like u..
LOVE U IBU...forever...
to mak..my mil,my aunties n all mothers in d world...
happy mother's day!!!
we rock d world ladies!!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
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