alhamdulillah...2day my twinnies dh genap 11mnths...kalo ikut their corrected date rayyan n rifqi br nk msuk 10mnths..but alhamdulillah..stiap yg berlaku tu tntunya tlah dirncang oleh Allah kn..n momy sgt syukur dgn semua kurniaanNya..alhamdulillah...walaupun mcm2 dugaan yg kami tempuh,momy n abi syukur semua ujian tu lbh mematangkn kami utk jd parents yg lbh baik insyaAllah..n evryday momy n abi always gets surprises from our Rayyan n Rifqi wth their new skills..dr mula berguling,mengesot...merangkak n smpaila skrng nk blaja walk plk...how time flies...
it seems like just yesterday momy felt both u moved in my tummy...
n d feelings is heaven..thts all momy can say...still remmber 2wards d end of 2nd trimester momy n abi always get bad news from d doctors about d twinnies..we have to visit d doctor evry week..but we both know tht both u twinnies r strong..even after wht d doctor said we always tells ourselves tht Allah yg menentukan segalanya...kt hanya merancang...n Alhamdulillah..after all d obstacles momy slamat melahirkan my twinnies...hanya Allah yg tau how hepy i am tht time..scared ofcoz but more hepy coz xsbr nk jmper my Rayyan n Rifqi...
n hari ni..anak2 momy dh 11mnths...Alhamdulillah...mcm2 yg dh kt lalui same2 all this while n momy xsbr utk hari2 yg mendatang...momy just wanna thanx abi wth all his support..i knw i can't do it all by myself...we love u abi...insyaAllah lepas ni momy will update their milestone ya..insyaAllah...;)
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