Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rayyan n Rifqi skt...

how sad momy whn my Rayyan n Rifqi start to sakit2 again...cian tgk dorg layu jer n xlarat nk main...this past 2weeks my twins ni asyik bergilir sakit...haish..mengeluh momy's not tht momy xleh trime yg dorg sakit but just xsmpai hati tgk d boys in tht condition...wht makes momy more sedey whn people around us dok ckp.."aik,skt lg??"...wht is all tht about?do u have to really say tht?ur ank xpenak sakit ape??hurm lantakla dorg..ape yg important 2me is my babies..
sumtimes momy dok pk..y dorg ni sakit2 ye??is it cz of thy were born premeture?tp ble tgk ank org lain yg born premeture xdela plk kn..mungkin jugak Allah nk duga momy n abi kn..yer la,Allah nk bg ujian utk setiap org dgn cara yg berbeza..n momy redha dgn semua ketentuanNya..n momy bersyukur Alhamdulillah cz Allah masih bg rezeki dan kesihatan yg baik utk momy n abi dpt besarkn our Rayyan n Rifqi..
to my dearie Rayyan n Rifqi...
momy n abi really love u ank2 momy kena kuat yer..pasni insyaAllah momy n abi akan usaha utk lebih berjaga in evry ways..insyaAllah..n jgn sembur ubt yg momy n abi suap yer nak...nnt lmbat sihat...

my twinnies yg sgt active ble xsaket...:))

clap clap clap!!! terror jer dh nk stand on his own..;))

Friday, October 15, 2010

no more follow up!!

alhamdulillah..lepas ni my twinnies especially Rifqi dh xperlu utk follow up di hospital...b4 this Rifqi kena wt follow up dkt Hospital Sultan Ismail coz lahir premature n record penah masuk dlm NICU...just doc nk tgk perkembangan my twinnies ni la kiranya..n alhamdulillah our last visit there doc kt lps ni dh xperlu lg as evrytin pn dh ok especially their growth...syukur momy ble dpt tau ank2 momy dh membesar n sihat..alhamdulillah...

suke nyer!!!

muka yg sgt excited lepas dh balik dr hospital....;)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

akhirnya mereka dicukur...

anak momy dh botak??? :P
at twins telah dicukurkan..hehe..actually momy mmg dh lame niat nk cukur kn d twins..aqiqah n majlis cukur jambul dh lame dh tp time tu semua org xbrani nk shave d boys cz they said bdk2 ni still small n kulit kpala pn still lmbut..erm tp ble dh botak cm cian jer momy tgk..dh la momy ni xblh tgk bdk botak..huhu cm kesian n i just dunno y..:P susah jugak atok aji nk cukurkn dorg ni cz xnk dok diam here r their latest pict..momy's budak botak..hehe..:))
my botak-head Rayyan..;)

my botak-head Rifqi...;)
**agak2 sempat x yer their hair grow for their 1st birthday??hehe;)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

hepy 10th month dearies...

hepy 10th month my dearie twinnies...
hepy birthday 2 u...
hepy birthday 2 u...
hepy birthday derie twinnies...
hepy birthday 2 u...
to momy n abi's twinnies Rayyan n Rifqi...
hepy 10th months sayang...
ank2 momy n abi ni dh pndai skarang..n ofcoz xnk dok diam...mcm2 dh blh wt skrg...yeah momy n abi xsbr nk tunggu both u blh jln..blh plk kt main kejar2 kn..hehe..momy blh kejor ke??ekekeke..:P
anyway..hepy 10th months..semoga menjadi ank2 yang soleh dan mendengar kata,bijak pandai dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik..insyaAllah..Amin...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

d twins jalan2 wth d double stroller...

erm..alhamdulillah murah betul rezeki d twins ni..tht day before raya,ader abi nyer kawan dkt ofis yg sgt bermurah hati nk give away their twin double stroller..b4 this momy de jugak fikir nk beli but disebabkn byk sgt halangan n we fikir cm ssh jer nk dibawa ke sana sini so we decided to buy d single stroller ni since org nk bg kn..rezeki jgn ditolak ye x?but d stroller hanya akan digunakn di we park d stroller at wan's house jer..nnt if blk pj xyah nk usung stroller frm jb kn...hehe..1st time we use it is during our jln2 time blk pj last rayer..agak kekok besar n sng accident..ekekeke :P n d twins pn cm xbiase lg ble dok sebelah2 kn..but they extremely look cute..;))

bz wth their balloons...:))

Rifqi bz observing..wht can i do wth this ya??hehe :)

momy + abi + Rayyan + Rifqi

dh start boring...

momy n maksus mimi...
p/s: makusu mimi..kangen deyh mau jln sama2...nnt we blk pj n we can go jln2 lg ya...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Rifqi dh ader 4btg gigi...

4btg gigi utk geget mcm2...hehehe termasukla momy n abi..;)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

it's officially 5 for Rayyan!!!

yeay!!!my Rayyan dh ader 5gigi now...chumell sgt...:))