twinnies dh genap 3bln...if ikut their corrected date they r only 2months as they were out early kn..alhamdulillah dh byk prkembangan posotive frm both thm..d most important is their weight gain for both alhamdulillah for now their vision pn dh makin terang..dh nmpk momy n abi kn my dear rayyan n rifqi??yeah..nw ble we gerak2kn object infront of thm thy will follow d move..good job sweetheart!!!
n yess!!!both thm dgn jaya nyer still tdo meniarap...ramai yg ckp cr tdo cmni xelok n bahaya..but we did dicuss wth our paeds..he said tht it's ok asalkn baby tdo pd permukaan rata yg paling pnting utk elakkan far Alhamdulillah both Rayyan n Rifqi pndai jer nk adjust muka dorg..ble agk4 their hidung cm tesepit, they turn their face sebelah lain plak..btul gak doc ckp..even they r still babies..they knw how to survive actually..n article2 yg kt bc tu actually to remind us d worst tht can happen but insyaAllah d baby will be fine..Aminn...
momy n abi pn suka sgt main wth Rayyan n Rifqi nw cz dh de respond..ble kt agah dh senyum!!!yess my dear babies..momy just love to see both u smile especially early in d sgt indah jer tht moment..hehe(i'm smiling alone nw...:D)hehe..both thm suka senyum especially Rayyan..Rifqi pn but tu yg bezakn my twinnies..Rayyan type yg jovier while Rifqi ni cm serius sket..what ever pn momy n abi love u both equally tau..xdak beza sket pn!!!
now their tgn pn dh kuat nk pegang toys sket2..whn momy n abi bg toys for thm to hold,they grab n hold it sekejap..yer la..tgn pn kecik lg xleh la nk pegang lame2..hehe..i guess as for now tu je la kot..insyaAllah if ade lg nnt mommy tmbh here gmbr my 3months Rayyan n Rifqi...

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