my twinnies are 2months...
alhamdulillah....they r growing well n healthy...milestone ni mommy cut n paste from nye info frm mommy2 yg lain blh la visit this site for more info twinnies nye milestone nnt momy update later ya..=)
"The Big Smile"
The following comments are designed to help you enjoy your new baby and develop confidence in yourself as a parent. They are not intended as a substitute for well-baby visits by your newborn's pediatrician. Remember no two babies have exactly the same makeup or the same needs. Your baby is an individual with his or her own special growth pattern. Comparing the growth and development of your baby with other children is not a good idea and usually causes needless worry. Never hesitate to ask your child's physician for guidance concerning specific problems. This is the reason for regular well-baby checkups.
Parenting and Behavioral
The next few months are perhaps the easiest age during a baby's life. Your baby still has relative immunity to most infections. He or she is happy to see people, yet does not demand a lot of attention nor can they get up and crawl around to get into things. Your child will become responsive when you talk to him or her and is beginning to blossom into a "real" person.
Continue to hold, cuddle, talk to, sing to and rock your baby as much as you can. Every interaction with your child stimulates brain development. Encourage your baby to "speak" by talking to him or her during dressing, bathing, feeding, playing, walking and driving. Stimulate your child with age- appropriate toys. Hang a rattle, mobile or some other bright object across the crib so that your infant can begin watching and reaching for it. Parents should continue to make sure they get adequate rest. A lot of moms still need a nap, so take one when baby naps. Go for a daily walk with the baby for fresh air. Mothers should have had their postpartum checkup by now.
The next few months are perhaps the easiest age during a baby's life. Your baby still has relative immunity to most infections. He or she is happy to see people, yet does not demand a lot of attention nor can they get up and crawl around to get into things. Your child will become responsive when you talk to him or her and is beginning to blossom into a "real" person.
Continue to hold, cuddle, talk to, sing to and rock your baby as much as you can. Every interaction with your child stimulates brain development. Encourage your baby to "speak" by talking to him or her during dressing, bathing, feeding, playing, walking and driving. Stimulate your child with age- appropriate toys. Hang a rattle, mobile or some other bright object across the crib so that your infant can begin watching and reaching for it. Parents should continue to make sure they get adequate rest. A lot of moms still need a nap, so take one when baby naps. Go for a daily walk with the baby for fresh air. Mothers should have had their postpartum checkup by now.
Have you noticed that your baby's smile has improved, especially when he or she sees you? Infants at this age begin to show pleasure in their interactions with their parents.
Before long, the neck muscles will begin to develop, allowing your baby to gain more head control. He or she will be able to hold his or her head steady and it will not bob around when you pick up your child. Until this happens, however, be prepared to give your baby extra head support.
Your baby will begin to grasp a rattle or tightly hold on to your finger
Between now and the 4-month checkup, most babies will start to lift their head, neck and upper chest on their forearms, craning their necks like a turtle to see what is going on. They will also straighten out their legs when you let them sit on your lap and try to stand with support. And no, this will not cause them to become bow-legged.
Have you noticed that your baby's smile has improved, especially when he or she sees you? Infants at this age begin to show pleasure in their interactions with their parents.
Before long, the neck muscles will begin to develop, allowing your baby to gain more head control. He or she will be able to hold his or her head steady and it will not bob around when you pick up your child. Until this happens, however, be prepared to give your baby extra head support.
Your baby will begin to grasp a rattle or tightly hold on to your finger
Between now and the 4-month checkup, most babies will start to lift their head, neck and upper chest on their forearms, craning their necks like a turtle to see what is going on. They will also straighten out their legs when you let them sit on your lap and try to stand with support. And no, this will not cause them to become bow-legged.
Ensure that your infant is gaining enough weight.
Discuss with your baby's doctor any problems you are having with breast or bottle feeding. Remember, "spitting up" is common and as long as your baby is thriving, the spitting is a "nuisance" rather than a "problem."
Infant feeding demands will continue to vary from day to day. By 10 weeks of age, some babies are feeding only four to five times a day (breast or bottle) while others require more feeding times. This is normal. Hopefully, the interval between feedings is not at least every three to four hours during the day with lengthened intervals at night. Do not put cereal in a bottle unless instructed to do so by your baby's doctor. The introduction of solid foods depends on the preference of your child's pediatrician.
Remember to give vitamins and/or fluoride if prescribed by your child's doctor.
Ensure that your infant is gaining enough weight.
Discuss with your baby's doctor any problems you are having with breast or bottle feeding. Remember, "spitting up" is common and as long as your baby is thriving, the spitting is a "nuisance" rather than a "problem."
Infant feeding demands will continue to vary from day to day. By 10 weeks of age, some babies are feeding only four to five times a day (breast or bottle) while others require more feeding times. This is normal. Hopefully, the interval between feedings is not at least every three to four hours during the day with lengthened intervals at night. Do not put cereal in a bottle unless instructed to do so by your baby's doctor. The introduction of solid foods depends on the preference of your child's pediatrician.
Remember to give vitamins and/or fluoride if prescribed by your child's doctor.
thanx 2 for d info...
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