Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, December 10, 2010

their 1st celebration - jb

alhamdulillah..semua dh selesai..d twinnies 1st b'day celebration in JB dh pn selesai...thanx a lot for those who came n made d party an awsome one!!yeah..they were both so hepy n so excited on that 1st cm agak pelik whn they saw eh cm ramai jer org..ehehehe start suka when d music started n we sang d Birthday goes wth d music lg la they excited kn...anyway it's really a fun party n thank you to Ms.Yati from Mc'D d one incharge of organizing d whole thing...
at 1st yes...momy sgt xpuas hati..evrytin whn wrong okay..when i came nothing was there n it's already 12.00pm..d room was not ready plus air-cond pn cm yg nk marah ni..our guest dh start dtg on that time..eiyak n d person incharge is on d way??haish..sgt momy geram kay time tuh...ramai guest dh dtg n btl2 at 12.30 br la Ms.Yati tu muncul..sbr jer la..nsb la she wt keje agak cepat n alhamdulillah dpt la we start d party at around sorry to all cz kena tunggu at that time ya..
neway momy n abi syukur as evrytin when well after that..evryone enjoyed especially d game hepy cz evryone is hepy..d funny part is when kak husna n kak anis nanges time kalah..alahai...smpai Ms.Yati tu bg jer prezzy to all xkira la kalah or menang..hehehe..
once again thanx to evryone who came especially to our beloved Makyang, Mymi, Uncle Zam n Kakak Anis who came all d way from KL to celebrate d twinnies..thanx to Pakngah n Kak Husna too who came down from Pahang..we LOVE you guys!!! BIG Thanx for all d prezzies..d twinnies really love them all..tq uncles n aunties!!!
n for those who weren't there Atok Babah,Wan n Pakteh nnt we celebrate dkt PJ plk yer..yeay!!!n d rest who weren't there like Makngah, Paklong n Maklong plus d cuzzen we know that ur prayers are always wth us..
thank you semua!!!

before d party start..kena charge battery dulu.. :P

d cake...tq makyang...:))

xnmpak sgt their names..:$

cake cutting ceremony...

our lill white theme...:))

my hepy Ikky..:))

Ikky pandai wt peace..:D cute!!!

momy, makyang n mymi...:))

kissess for Aiyen...

d prezzies....

alamak pening la momy...byk nyer...hehehe :P

thanks to evryone who came for d party n tq for all d prezzies too evryone!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

my double kicik...

ello everyone...
we're already ONE!! :))
*gmbr momy snap d mornign of 9dec...;)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

they r officially ONE!!!

hepy Birthday 2u...
hepy Birthday 2u...
hepy Birthday Rayyan n Rifqi...
hepy Birthday 2u..

they're finally ONE!!! twinnies 2day r officially ONE year old...their very 1st big day...momy get emotional sket this morning...huhu..:( it seems like just yesterday momy carrying both u in my tummy..feeling ur kicks n movement..n 2day my aiyen n ikky r already ONE year time, a year ago momy is fighting for the lifes of u both..n Alhamdulillah both u have grown up healthy n always blessed by Allah..being a momy to my twinnies is d most great gift ny Allah n momy is very thankful for that...

to my Aiyen n Ikky...
momy n abi love u both very3 much!!!
semoga menjadi anak2 yg solleh, bijak pandai n menjadi manusia yg berguna satu masa nnt..InsyaAllah..prayers from momy n abi will always be wth u...better i stop dl dr lg beremosi..huhu

p/s : just can't wait for ur 1st birthday party!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

mkn2 @ c0c0 peLLy...

last week we went back to PJ umah wan n atok usual ble dh blk cni momy mmg akan guna time fully to shopping too..:P hehe but actually this time even we blk n stay 4nite pn seems not enough..ader kenduri kawen,abi's d full saturday n sunday we're at their place..yg ader time pn d twins pn cm xnk tdo kn, we decided for a dinner...

we went to c0c0 peLLy travellers Bistro at section 14,PJ..this place is actually belongs to wan's best fren time muda2..uncle Arif...uncle Arif ni dh travel mostly all over d world..he's d backpackers type..sgt sempoi jer org nyer...wth his faded jeans n kameja he doesn't look 50's...hehe..after years of travelling he finally decided to come back to Malaysia n open up C0c0 Pelly travellers Bistro..suite d concept of sgt sntai n sempoi place..n d food i can say lawan tomy romas i tell u..hehe...n yg paling best for that nite is d "c0c0 pelly chillis short ribbs" yummy!!!thumbs up okay...hehe n according to him he invented all d sauces n d 'R n D' r made by calling all d fussy eater among frens n i guess it works..good job uncle!!

wan n atok..gmbr blur...momy snap tgh pegang ikky...:P

c0c0 pelly chillis short ribbs...sdp3...:))

makyang, mymi n kakak anis...wth their pastas...:))

cabonara yg sedap!!!

abi wth his ice choc..n aiyen wth his home made fwais...yummy!!!

abi..ingat momy xnmpk ke??:P

momy n kak anis pn ader terselit...:P

chicken chop n black pepper sauce...:))

short ribb..wth mustard :))

Nekcom n kakak anis..:))

my ikky yg xnk dok diam...;)

owh rayyan...n his spoon...
erm thats our mkn2 story @ c0c0 pelly...mmg best..for those yg nk try blh g..if u knw where is Jaya 1, section 14 is d place is just me..u mst satisfied...:))