Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Celebrating July...

It's July...
n d month of July we hav 2major celebration..hehehe...'s Abi's birthday!!! our Abi is officially 27!! momy xla tua sorg2 kn...ngee...;)) n d best part is celebrating his 1st b'day wth d twinnies..best3...'s momy n abi's 2nd annyversary...
teringat last year whn this date,we found out tht we're carrying twins..*sigh*...n this year this two ticik dh kuar..n dh pndai mcm2..chumel n slalu wt momy geram..hehehe...
tp ade jer gak bnda yg xbest..abi xde on both of this we decided to celebrate it another day la..xpela kn..yg pntg we're one hepy fmly..yeay..
sgt bahagia...
here r some picts taken time kt celebrate tu...

abi driving tekun..hikhik ;)

rayyan br not in mood..:(

look at rifqi..mommy, r we there yet?? :P

mommy nk gak pose..;)
still not in mood..:(
ha..dh ader mood...tepuk2 meja...

look at d camera wth d meja..hehe:))

nk mommy...:P

ok dh..;)



Saturday, July 17, 2010

when makyang came 4 a visit...

yeay!!!makyang came 4 a visit wth uncle Zam for 4days..hehe 1st thy plan just utk 2nites jer but kena pujuk ngn rayyan n rifqi trus jd stay lamer..hikhik..erm actually thy came down 2jb cz nk masuk S'pore..n yess..thy whn to Universal Studio..huhu nk ikut....but whn momy think back,it's better whn both rayyan n rifqi dh bsr sket n thy can enjoy all d stuff we did some jln2 around JB n here r d photos..enjoy...:))

our hepy family..:))

d' twinnies..

pose @ danga bay..


mommy n makyang...

d' Zone..

our beloved makyang...

makyang n uncle...

makyang dh demok..:P

p/s: we really enjoy this time...miss both of you guys..ble nk dtg n jln2 jb lg?hehe...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

my 7mnths twinnies...

mommies twinnies...;)

huh? :P

ikky...manje mommy...

aiyen..d' abang..:))

rayyan nk tnjuk xnmpk pn..:P

nk rebut pe tu??

lg rebut...;)

Friday, July 9, 2010

my twinnies r 7months!!!

hepy birthday to you Rayyan n Rifqi...

alhamdulillah ank2 momy dh beshar la..hikhik...;) mmbesar dgn chumel n aktif plk tuh..erm..momy dh lame sgt xupdate their milestone this entry blh la momy update kn sket2 yer...erm where to start ya..hehe..

-1stly both ank mommy ni dh de 2btg gigi..alalala..sgt2 la till hr ni sgt la ssh mommy nk take their pict wth d teeth..klo time xnk snap tu punye la rayyan n rifqi ni senyum n jelas sgt la both gigi tu..erm like rayyan both gigi kluar serentak, but rifqi d 2nd gigi came out a week after..cian ank2 momy ni..demam2 nk kluar gigi tu..xpe2 yg pntg ank2 momy kuat kn..alhamdulillah..

-2nd dorg ni dh semakin byk mnum susu..nw both dh blh habis 6-7oz skali rayyan normally will ask for more tp momy jarang bg cz he will muntah blk..huhu..erm rayyan..rayyan...n yupp!! both thm still mnum susu Isomil as ank2 momy ni allergic 2 susu lembu n kena mnum susu soya jer

-3rdly actually both rayyan n rifqi dh start mkn once thy reach 6mnths old tht day..evryday momy msk bubur wth carrot n potato for thm n blend smpai btl2 hncur..rayyan n rifqi loves it so much!!tp syg sgt tht day doc suruh stop dl cz thy start to wheezing blk..but doc did mntion nothing 2worry, yg pntg dorg mnum cukup rayyan n rifqi, nnt dh ok kt smbg mkn bubur momy msk ye nakk..;)) doc pn tmbh ckp lg yg according 2 their corracted date rayyan n rifqi blm smpai 6mnths lg

-4th yesss!!!rayyan n rifqi dh start nk merangkak..angkat2 punggung dh..n sgt2 la comel tau...mengesot tu mmgla dh laju..if momy put their favrt toys jauh sket thy will come n get it..hehe suka3 momy tau...merangkak tu adela dlm 2,3 langkah thn jatuh..xpe2 boys...momy tau ank2 momy blh..

-5th dh pndai interact..whn momy panggil their names mst tgk kt muka momy..hehe good boys!!!tp sumtimes slh nama sumtimes..whn momy call ikky,aiyen yg pndg n vice versa..:P n yg plg best is whn thy borak wth each other..rayyan yg plg byk bunyi..rifqi cm xbyk blh la momy ckp yg rayyan ni talkative..;) cute tau babytalk ni..:))

-6th dh pndai n blh pegang brg2..n yg plg bgs is ble kt show sumtin 2 thm, rayyan n rifqi dh blh jer amik frm us..n biasenyer thy will trus gigit d things..hehe :P

-7th rifqi dh pndai nk salam..whn momy hulur tgn n say salam...he will grab our hand to salam..rayyan plk slalu cm malas sket..hehe ank momy ni..ble kt hulur tgn n say salam..he prposely pusing n gelak2 xnk..hehe notty tau..:P

-8th owh for rayyan he dh started to stand si kecik ni buat?he crawl sket2 thn pegang sumtin trus nk berdiri..ish2..hehe kuat tau ank momy ni..rifqi cool jer..nnt diam2 pn blh berdiri gak tuh..hehe

-9th owh yess...ank2 momy ni dh kenal org especially rifqi..slalu mmg nk momy je rayyan he's more relax..ngn semua org pn nk..hehe one hepy boy i can say..but rifqi is momy boy..:)) tdo pn still nk ataa dada momy dulu okay...;)

alhamdulillah..both my boys wth good progress!!ca..yang ank2 momy...mmuuahhhhh:-*

Saturday, July 3, 2010

rifqi's turn...

alhamdulillah..Rifqi's 1st baby tooth is out...sgt cute...hehehe..satu jer kluar..Rayyan de dua..erm xpe2..yg pntg gigi dh kluar kn syg...momy hepy sgt coz nw both my twinnies dh bergigi..;) patutla few days nie demam2 ye syg..rupenyer nk tmbuh gigi yer..nnt momy upload kn gmbr gigi my lill' ikky ya...;)